Little Miss Greedy

Rules of Thumb

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4 calories per gram of protein
4 calories per gram of carbohydrate
7 calories per gram of alcohol
9 calories per gram of fat
To maintain weight
1-2 hrs cardio per day - body weight (lbs) x 17
1 hr weights per day - body weight (lbs) x 15
To lose weight
15% reduction in calories

Energy Density
Number of calories in a gram of food.
<0.5 : very low energy density
0.6 - 1.5 : low energy density
1.6 - 4.0 : medium energy density
4.1 - 9.0 : high energy density
'Low calorie' food <40calories/100g

g Carb per day = body weight (lbs) x A
A=3 for 1 hour exercise per day
A=4 for 2 hour exercise per day
A=5 for 3 hour exercise per day

No more than 10% calories to be from sugar
>10g/100g sugar - high sugar
<2g/100g sugar - low sugar
<0.2g/100g sugar - sugar free

g protein per day = body weight (lbs) x 0.36 (sedentary)
g protein per day = body weight (lbs) x 0.5 (cardio 3-5 times a week)
g protein per day = body weight (lbs) x 0.7 (strength training)
Alternatively 1-1.5g protein per lb of lean body mass

No more than 1/3 fat intake up to a maximum 20g to be saturated fat
>20g/100g fat - high fat
<3g/100g fat - low fat
<0.15g/100g fat - fat free
>5g/100g sat fat - high sat fat
<1g/100g sat fat - low sat fat

>6g/100g or serving - high fibre
>3g/100g or serving - a source of fibre
Minimum 18g per day
Ideal 25 - 30g per day

Sodium / Salt
No more than 2400mg sodium or 6g salt per day
No more than 480mg sodium per serving
>1.25g/100g - high salt
<0.5g/100g - low salt
<40mg/100g - low sodium
If your sweat tastes VERY salty - it's a sign of not ENOUGH salt

Between 400 milliliters and 800 milliliters per hour for exercise
Alternatively 400ml 2 hours before workout and 250ml every 20 minutes during

women should drink 2-3 units per day maximum
liver processes 1 unit alcohol per hour
>2-3 units at one time, leave 48 hours for liver to recover
Binge drinking defined as 6 units in one session for women
Try to have at least 2 alcohol free days per week

No more than 300mg per day

1000mg per day recommended for women, 500mg (max) at a time

Folic Acid
400 mcg a day

Alcohol facts from Top Sante Nov 2004
Food facts (/100g) from Zest magazine
Calcium fact from Hers Aug/Sept 2004
Zest Feb 2005


Site last updated 16/1/2005