Little Miss Greedy

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You cannot manage consequences (what the scales say), but you CAN manage actions (your fitness and diet plan).  Don't measure your success by how the scales have moved - rather on whether you kept to your plan.
Following this thought through, if you cheat (don't exercise, eat rubbish for a month) and lose weight - you haven't really succeeded - you've been lucky!

Meet the challenges

When you run from challenges you are rewarded only with excuses and regrets. By contrast, when you seek out and confront those challenges you are rewarded with success and accomplishment.

The sooner you confront your challenges, the more positive the outcome will be. It will always be an effort. That's the essential nature of challenge. But the longer you put it off, the more you run from it, the worse the necessary effort will eventually be.

Stand up, step forward and walk out to meet your challenges. Put yourself in a position of strength. Put yourself in a position where you can gain from your own efforts. Be aggressive at meeting challenges and you'll make the most of them. That's a whole lot better than hiding from them and letting them drain you.

What challenge can you face head on and conquer today? It's out there, and when you go out to meet it you'll be moving yourself positively forward.

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Site last updated 16/1/2005