Little Miss Greedy

How Many Calories Should I Eat?
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To maintain weight
1-2 hrs cardio per day - body weight (lbs) x 17
1 hr weights per day - body weight (lbs) x 15
To lose weight
15% reduction in calories
22 x weight in kg = RMR
1.5 x RMR = calories
add exercise calories
to lose weight 20% reduction

g Carb per day = body weight (lbs) x A
A=3 for 1 hour exercise per day
A=4 for 2 hour exercise per day
A=5 for 3 hour exercise per day

g protein per day = body weight (lbs) x 0.36 (sedentary)
g protein per day = body weight (lbs) x 0.5 (cardio 3-5 times a week)
g protein per day = body weight (lbs) x 0.7 (strength training)
Alternatively 1-1.5g protein per lb of lean body mass

Site last updated 16/1/2005