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Sunday, 24 April 2005
'Puters, Jobs and Wine
Thanks for the various recommendations re: Typepad and WordPress. I've had a little play on Typepad and still need to have a trial on Wordpress. But until the new 'puter arrives, I'm not trying to do anything too ambitious as this 'puter is very ill indeed and keeps losing connection, freezing, crashing etc.

Just come back from a lovely 4 mile dander across Ilkley Moor. Weather was gorgeous and we finished up with some nice homemade soup in a cafe. Tonight I am cooking up a storm with Jamie Olivers Monkfish wrapped in Parma Ham and Basil and Dried Tomato pesto, served with baked potatoes and Sophie Grigson's Jerusalem Artichokes with pancetta and breadcrumbs. Can you tell I have an assignment due? Yesterday I cooked up a vat of chicken stock and then went mountain boarding with AIF and soon to be MrAIF. Well, they boarded, I watched. So a great big fat zero on the assignment.

My problem with this particular assignment is that it asks me to examine the relationships within my current company. I spent Friday bitching with my boss about how crap it is, and his view is that we should just get on and do our own thing. This isn't good enough. I want an interdependent firm, where what one office does complements what another does, and we don't have to keep reinventing the wheel. Argghhhh! Luckily I have an interview with G on 9th May (this time the formal one), so I am reading

Mainly so I can start to formulate what it really is that I want out of my next job move. I want to make the leap from do-er to orchestrator (why else would I be doing the MBA) and I don't want to cock it all up with a crap interview.

With this in mind, I need to flatten the stomach and buy a hot new suit. I did well last couple of weeks with weights and the long steady state cardio, but food and especially alcohol has been atrocious. This week I have a day long seminar on Tuesday and an evening buffet on Thursday, then an afternoon gig on Sunday. That pretty much accounts for my 20% - the other 80% I shall endeavour to be good.

Good to remember that 20% is roughly 1.5 days or if you have 3 main meals a day, 4-5 meals a week. If you have 5 meals a day, that ends up being 7. If you look at it another way, if you are sticking to say 1600 calories a day, then that's 2240 calories a week. In wine and cheese (175ml red wine and 25g gouda at 213 calories) that's 10 occasions a week. Which if you follow Food Doctor's principle of no more than 2 glasses of wine a day, and no two days in a row, then actually, you end up with a maximum of 8 glasses of wine a week (950 cals) and about 1000 left over for cheese and chocolate. I can see I am beginning formulating a plan...

Really must do some work on this assignment...

Posted by littlemissgreedy at 4:23 PM BST
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Thursday, 21 April 2005
Look what you find whilst procrastinating online...

The excitement! Sephora soon to be online in the UK. Then I can get me some Lip Fusion!

Posted by littlemissgreedy at 4:59 PM BST
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Thou shalt not covet...

Have found the best jewellery website ever - click on the pic for a link...

Posted by littlemissgreedy at 1:20 PM BST
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Wednesday, 20 April 2005
Decisions, decisions...
So I've ordered the new PC. Didn't go for a laptop in the end, as I couldn't justify the expense. It's a super duper 3Mhz processor, stupid 160GB memory with 8MB cache, built in wireless, 7in1 disk reader, dvd rewriter, and a decent graphics card. I'm sooo excited. I should get it by end of April.

In anticipation I am contemplating moving the blog or using some other way of blogging. Tripod is a bit clunky and won't let me do what I want it to.

I've been having a look at WordPress, but I can't figure out if I can keep the space I have at Tripod, but use WordPress? And I have thought about TypePad or MoveableType. Problem is that I just don't know what I'm doing. This leads to masses of research and finding even more blogs to read. If I was a brainy computer nerd I'd be able to sort all this out, but with most things in life, I know just about enough to get me in trouble.

I know I DON'T want Blogger:
Julie Berg
Kyra (although is nicer than most blogger ones)

And much earlier I tried BlogCity and didn't get on with it
Red Highlights
Yoga Girl

and as I say, I'm not too keen on tripod anymore
Fabric Princess

Blue Poppy has a nice site, but not really what I want - I prefer to have more than one entry per day.

I can't work out what Dangergirl is using but I love the idea of having books and cd's down the sides. I think it might be Typepad, which DietGirl
Go Fug Yourself
and DivaQuest use, but all look fairly different. Must be different templates?

Maggie and PUPU are using WordPress which I am quite keen on.

And Erin uses movabletype, which again I quite like.

So it looks like I need to make a decision between MovableType, TypePad and WordPress. I need to find a host I think too, rather than sticking with lycos tripod thing. And then I can have a proper url. I have even been tinking about changing my nom de plume. LMG has the wrong connotations for someone trying lose weight, methinks.

Any ideas on new names, hosts or blogging tools, let me know.

Posted by littlemissgreedy at 2:48 PM BST
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New US Food Pyramid
My Pyramid Seems quite sensible sound advice.

Based on the information you provided and the average needs for your age, gender and physical activity [Age: 31, Sex: female, Physical Activity: 30 to 60 minutes ] your results indicate that you should eat these amounts from the following food groups daily.

Your results are based on a 2000 calorie pattern*.

Grains 6 ounces (168g)
Vegetables 2.5 cups
Fruit 2 cups
Milk 3 cups
Meat and Beans 5.5 ounces (154g)

1 Make Half Your Grains Whole
Aim for at least 3 whole grains a day

2 Vary Your Veggies
Aim for this much every week:
Dark Green Vegetables = 3 cups weekly
Orange Vegetables = 2 cups weekly
Dry Beans & Peas = 3 cups weekly
Starchy Vegetables = 3 cups weekly
Other Vegetables = 6 1/2 cups weekly

Oils & Discretionary Calories
Aim for 6 teaspoons of oils a day

Limit your extras (extra fats & sugars) to 265 Calories

*This calorie level is only an estimate of your needs. Monitor your body weight to see if you need to adjust your calorie intake.

Posted by littlemissgreedy at 10:30 AM BST
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Friday, 15 April 2005
Cheers to Yogagirl who sensibly asked for folks to delurk. Thanks to her I have found a new tranche of blogs to follow.

Looking at my fave raves I have a few commonalities:
1. women (who'd've thought - I usually hang out with men. Turns out I can't stand male blogs. Or I like women better when I read rather than interact? Go figure)
2. No kids. There are a few with kids, but generally, it's a no kids blog I'm after. I don't want to read abut nappies/diapers. Sorry Dooce (Queen of Blog)
3. Fitness obsession. How I got started on the whole blog thing, but it's no longer a given. A passion or obsession of any kind will do.
4. Student/and or career beast/ and or change of career person. A vague one, but I know what I mean. 'More than a job' kinda person suits my reading.
5. Food nut. Some of the fitness nuts definitely DON'T fall in this category, but some of us LOVE (and respect) our food (check out Argy who writes about food as if it were a living breathing person invited to the table (which it is!))

If you're reading this and fit in any of the above, let me know. Drop me a line...

Posted by littlemissgreedy at 4:22 PM BST
Updated: Friday, 15 April 2005 4:26 PM BST
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Thursday, 14 April 2005
Gettng there...
Interesting theory on the catabolic effect of cv exercise, but no mentions of lifting weights. Sigh.....

Posted by littlemissgreedy at 4:33 PM BST
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Wednesday, 13 April 2005
Recently, I is mostly...
Topic: Recently, I is mostly...

Red magazine, despite the Lin and Leo lapbag fiasco. I'm obviously the age and demographic they are aiming the magazine at because apart from the odd thing about kids, it has me hooked. And I keep thinking I really must sort out my finances and it's all due to an article in last months magazine.


No Angels on Channel 4, 10pm Tuesdays. Partly because it's set in Leeds and I can recognise some of the locations, but mainly because I love the writing. No matter how outrageous their behaviour they never come across as sl*tty, and the problems are based in reality, even if the situation is slightly over the top.


Doves - Some Cities. Went to see them last week in Manchester and they were great. Realised I had no idea what they looked like and now I know why. Bless their little cotton socks, not blessed with the good looks of a boy band. And hurrah for that.


Roast chicken with cheesy leeks and veggies. Obviously this is why I need to rein myself in and watch the food a bit more carefully.


Amarula - a strange creamy fruity drink from Africa. Sing along now everyone 'Show me the way to Amarula...'. It's bit sweet and sickly really and not really a good substitute for Bailey's.


Heavy weights. Too heavy. Ouch.


Continuing my obsession with overly priced comfortable footwear, I have invested in a pair of Frye's. They'll last forever you know...

Posted by littlemissgreedy at 11:45 AM BST
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Tuesday, 12 April 2005
Dependent, Independent, Interdependent...
Reading that last post, I sound a bit wet and obsessed with keeping my man. Can I point out that I would rate myself and Mr LMG to be interdependent. I went through my 'independent' stage after my break-up with the ex-Mr LMG (truthfully, probably before and during) and am now happy to have someone I can share my life with.

Gah - I've gone all soppy and yicky now. And making up for last week with 3 posts in one day - I'll try to rein it in now...

Posted by littlemissgreedy at 5:16 PM BST
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Just found this whilst surfing through the blog backlog. I love it when someone vents their spleen and I also loved her stats. I weigh less than the average female (I'm guessing this is the average American female, but the UK probably isn't too far behind).

Reading blogs can be a 2 edged sword. I have my heroes like Skwigg who does an awesome amount of exercise, or Maggie at Caustic Musings who has the most discipline I have ever encountered, and I think 'I will never be that fit'. And in a way I don't want to be. I have Mr LMG and my career to think about and as long as I have my health, I am happy. But I want to be the best that I can. The best that I can ISN'T 15% BF and 120lbs, because I have prioritised other things higher. The best I can is 135lbs and 25% BF, with a relationship and a career, a nice house in a nice area.

I was having a similar conversation with AIF on Saturday night. We were having a drunken conversation about life in general, and I mentioned my goals before I'm 40. Got to talking about writing books and if I should venture into the health/fitness/nutrition field. As I said to her, I know all the theory, but if I knew how to put it into practice whilst doing all the rest of the things I have to, then I'd be the weight I want to be.

What I'm getting at, is that it's all very well doing 12 week challenges and sticking to strict regimes, but if it's to the detriment to the rest of your life, is it really worth it? I've been thinking about this a lot recently and have a shortlist of 5 items that I have prioritised. I know for a fact that my list is prioritised in a different order to AIF or Mr LMG, but there is no RIGHT way of doing things. Anyway, I'm losing the drift of what I'm trying to say, but for the record here is my list in order of priority:

1. Health
2. Relationships (social life included here)
3. Career
4. Self Improvement/Study
5. Fitness

Sometimes it switches round and Career comes to 1 or Self Improvement, but Fitness is hardly ever No. 1. Health is always more important. You could argue that Fitness would lead to Health, but I believe health is more a function of being happy in your life and a social life is probably more a factor than fitness.

Anyway, I will write that book one day. 'A Handbook for Career Girls who Love Food, Want to keep Their Man, and Aren't afraid to lift Weights'.

Just need to work out where the balance lies between all my priorities and get there...

Posted by littlemissgreedy at 2:42 PM BST
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