I love food. I love eating it and I love cooking it. I like to know what I am eating and I have a few quirks
and habits too. Due to a dodgy thyroid I avoid soya and broccoli. I hate sweetcorn and I have a sensitivity to
capsicum peppers. I don't like boring food and my worst nightmare is meat and two veg (boiled to death) with mashed
potatoes. Yuck!
My 'fat loss' journey has been punctuated with a few attempts at weight loss via 'diets'. To be perfectly truthful,
I am much better at reading diet books than putting them into practice! I did read Atkins, but lasted about a day.
I read 'The Zone' but was too calculating about things and had to abandon it for my sanity. I've also tried limiting
fat content to <10g/100g for a few weeks. I had a 3-4 month stint with Weight Watchers in 2003/2004 which was generally
successful until I managed to work out the formula and then took up running (which is not at all compatible with the Time
to Eat system). I've signed up to various online systems, such as Rosemary Conley's Slim with Rosemary and Slimming World. I've read South Beach Diet, Tom Venuto's 'Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle', Pete Cohen's 'Lighten
Up', William Wolcott's 'Metabolic Typing Diet', Anita Bean's 'Complete Guide to Sports Nutrition' and rather optimistically
the laughable Dr Gillian McKeith's 'You Are What You Eat'. I also read numerous magazines including Ultra Fit, Muscle and Fitness Hers and Runners World.
All this information has been scrambled around in my head and summarised in my Rules of Thumb. My favourite recipes are listed along with the calorie breakdowns. I use the excellent WLR as my major tool for recording food intake. I also collect Food Facts from various magazines - the sort of things that
let you know what you should be eating to prevent ailments.
I have numerous cookbooks, including Ainsley Harriotts 'Low fat Meals in Minutes', Fat Girl Slim and the more conventional Jamie Oliver, Nigella Lawson, Madhur Jaffrey and Rick Stein. Some recipes are reproduced
in the recipe section, usually with my own tweaking.
I don't believe you have to deprive yourself and food should be an enjoyable pleasure and not wracked with guilt.
With a bit of common sense and restraint it is very possible to lose fat without losing sight of the enjoyment associated
with food. Enjoy!