Anaerobic Threshold
>87% maximum oxygen uptake
Blood Glucose
4-7 ideal (unknown units???)
Blood Pressure
below 100 systolic - hypotensive
110/70 optimum
120/80 normal
130/85 high normal
140/90 mild hypertension
160/100 moderate hypertension
180/110 severe hypertension
high diastolic more serious than systolic, which fluctuates with mood and stress
BMI (Body Mass Index)
<18.5 underweight
20-25 normal
25.0 - 29.9 overweight - mildly increased health risks
30.0 - 34.9 obese (class I) - moderately increased health risks
35.0 - 39.9 obese (class II) severely increased health risks
>40.0 morbidly obese (class III) very severely increased health risks
Divide weight in kg by the square of height in metres (kg/mē)
Ideal for women 21-27%
27-33% acceptable (WHO)
HDL - women advised to keep levels above 50mg/dL
In UK total cholesterol should be less than 5 mmol/l
HDL 1 mmol/l = average
LDL <3 mmol/l desirable
Heart Rate
several formulae exist:
220 - age
Karvonen formula to calculate HR zones
Rate of Percived Exertion (RPE)
1-2 very easy; you can talk with no effort
3 easy; can talk with allmost no effort
4 moderately easy; you can talk comfortably with little effort
5 moderate; talking requires some effort
6 moderately hard; conversation require a bit more effort
7 difficult; conversation require a lot of effort
8 very difficult; conversation requires maximum effort
9-10 peak effort; no talking zone
Waist/Hip Ratio
<0.8 ideal
0.8-0.85 borderline
>0.85 dangerous
waist ideally <35inches