The Rockport Fitness Walking Test is conducted as follows:
- Choose a windless day to conduct the test
- Record your weight
- Walk one mile (1609 metres) as fast as possible (if possible on flat ground, or a running track - if using a treadmill
indoors set the incline to 1ยบ to simulate resistance of air)
- Record the time to complete the one mile walk
- Immediately on finishing the walk record your heart rate (beats per minute)
- Determine your VO2 max from the equation below
Analysis of the result is by comparing it with the results of previous tests. It is expected that, with appropriate training
between each test, the analysis would indicate an improvement.
The formula used to calculate VO2 max is:
- 132.853 - (0.0769 * Weight) - (0.3877 * Age) + (6.315 * Gender) - (3.2649 * Time) - (0.1565 * Heart rate)
- Weight is in pounds (lbs)
- Gender Male = 1 and Female = 0
- Time is expressed in minutes and 100ths of minutes
- Heart rate is in beats/min
- Age is in years